Here you will find the most current and relevant industry news for Private Lending Professionals and Service Providers.

Investor Demand for Private Lending and 2024 Market Trends 

Investor Demand for Private Lending and 2024 Market Trends 

The initial NPLA meeting of the year delivered valuable insights into the current landscape of real estate transition loans, investor interest, and market dynamics. The conversation between Jon Hornik and Ryan Shanberg from Nomura shed light on various aspects of the industry and provided insights into what 2024 may bring.

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Navigating Challenges in the Multifamily Housing Market

Navigating Challenges in the Multifamily Housing Market

During the most recent NPLA meeting, Jesse McConnico, Housing Analyst from John Burns Research and Consulting, gave a presentation on navigating challenges in the multifamily housing market. The session provided valuable insights into the current state of the industry and its prospects.

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Trends in Demographics: Navigating Shifts

Trends in Demographics: Navigating Shifts

Chris Porter, Senior VP and Chief Demographer at John Burns Research and Consulting, presented a comprehensive analysis of current demographic trends at the recent NPLA meeting. The analysis included the need to redefine generational classifications, significant housing affordability, and market preference trends, as well as the impact of four major influencers on demographic shifts.

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The Current Real Estate Landscape – NPLA Meeting Recap

The Current Real Estate Landscape – NPLA Meeting Recap

John Burns Research and Consulting (JBREC) joined the October 5th National Private Lenders Association (NPLA) meeting to discuss the current state of the housing market. The housing market’s current state poses a significant challenge for resale housing. Data from the top 28 markets reveals a 40% undersupply of listings. Currently, only 1% of the total 86.1 million owner-occupied homes are available for sale, notably lower than the historical average of 3%.

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California’s AB 1033 May be a Game Changer for the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units

California’s AB 1033 May be a Game Changer for the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units

You may have read or heard about Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs recently as building restrictions have been relaxed over the last several years allowing property owners to take advantage of additional lot space, or space within the primary residence, to add value to their property. When the California legislature recently passed Assembly Bill 1033, it opened up new opportunities to homeowners, developers, and investors by allowing for the ADU to be partitioned and sold separately from the primary dwelling unit on the property.

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A Deep Dive into Default Rates and Buy and Hold Lending

A Deep Dive into Default Rates and Buy and Hold Lending

In the ever-shifting realm of commercial lending, profound transformations are shaping the industry landscape. Conventional banks, which once stood as steadfast pillars of financial support, have recalibrated their lending standards, introducing stringent prerequisites for borrowers. Against this backdrop of change, a unique opportunity has arisen for private lenders to step into the forefront, fundamentally reshaping the dynamics of the lending sphere.

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Midyear Recap – 2023 Housing Market & Economy 

Midyear Recap – 2023 Housing Market & Economy 

In the latest National Private Lenders Association (NPLA) meeting, members gained access to market insights and expert analysis during a guest presentation by Rick Sharga, Founder & CEO of the market intelligence and business advisory firm, CJ Patrick Company.

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Charging Interest Rates Over the Moon!

Charging Interest Rates Over the Moon!

The Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (“the BAP”) recently affirmed the holding of the bankruptcy court in the case of In re Moon that a private money lender’s settlement agreement with its defaulting borrowers violated California’s usury laws by including a provision for interest at a higher rate than that allowed by California law.

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Ending the Use of the Term “Hard Money”

Ending the Use of the Term “Hard Money”

Authored by John Beacham, CEO of Toorak Capital Partners.

The resolution encourages all those associated with Private Lending to cease using the term “Hard Money” and use alternative terms, such as Private Lending, Bridge Lending, and Transactional Funding.

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What New York Senate Bill S5257C Could Mean for NYC Real Estate

What New York Senate Bill S5257C Could Mean for NYC Real Estate

Authored by Ruben Izgelov, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Nationwide Private Lender, We Lend.

Local real estate developers looking to convert vacant CRE units are going through a period of uncertainty. It is crucial to understand the difference between the two proposals and the impact this legislation will have on the market.

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New York Senate Bill 1061A: Regulation of Commercial Finance Licensing

New York Senate Bill 1061A: Regulation of Commercial Finance Licensing

Authored by Jonathan Hornik, Esq. and Peter Kelegian, Esq. of LaRocca Hornik Rosen & Greenberg, LLP

It is vital to commercial mortgage lenders that the proposed NY Commercial Financing Licensing Law not apply to them. For the following reasons, an exemption for “commercial financing transactions secured by real property” should be added to Section 363-b of the bill.

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